
Tim Healy is the host of the business podcast “The Profit Express.” Check back every Wednesday for the latest interview with the biggest entrepreneurs, authors, sales professionals, and celebrities in business today.

Improv Comic Takes on Bad Customer Service

Improv Comic Takes on Bad Customer Service

As businesses become more automated, it’s starting to seem like good customer service is a thing of the past. But it doesn’t have to be this way. My guest today knows the art of listening, and he is here to discuss how practicing improv comedy can make you better at customer service. (more…)

Artist Makes History on The Profit Express

Artist Makes History on The Profit Express

Everyone of us has talent. Whether you’re good at writing, selling, or public speaking, we’re all great at doing something. My guest today knew from a young age he had a talent for drawing faces, and today he is bringing smiles to faces everywhere through his Instagram, Drewzcartoonz. (more…)

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